Food is one of the best medicines we have on the market. Most of us simply don't have the tools to know how to use it best. You will learn how to eat best for your unique body (give your body the best information), as well as how to navigate the  grocery store and food labels. 

How Food is Information for Every Cell in Your Body

How to Impact Your Health with Lifestyle Factors

Just as food is medicine, our lifestyles have the ability to help or hurt us. You will learn how to improve your lifestyle (sleep, movement, stress) to be able to maximize your health. 

what you'll learn here: 

How to Continue Your Health Journey for the Rest of Your Life

Your health journey lasts long past our short time (4-6 months). My goal is to help you learn processes that work for you in regard to health. These can stand long after our time together is done!

Here's What to Expect

Practice: This progam was created with you in mind

You will receive a customized protocol based on your unique symptoms, body and goals. It will include both food recommendations as well as lifestyle and supplement recommendations also. 

Learn: It all starts with food

I help educate you as well as navigate the real food world terrain that benefits you best. Food is information for our whole body. And let's face it, eating is the one thing we HAVE to do every day.  Our food choices matter! 

Driven by real data

Lab tests are helpful in giving us real data to work with. We can connect lab results to symptoms you experience to better understand and correct any imbalances of the body. The labs I use most often are Blood Chemistry, DUTCH test as well as the GI Map and Food Sensitivity tests. Want to learn more about lab testing? 

After 5 months together we have two goals: 
1) you experience better and more restored health
2) you have the tools to continue the journey long after we are done working together. 

Learn More

How It Works

You sign up! This 5 month program investiment is $1295 (this does NOT include labs or supplements)


You receive coaching from me every other week. We work through frustrations, areas you might get stuck, and celebrate successes


When we are done:
1) you experience better and more restored health
2) you have the tools to continue the journey for life! 


let's work together

Working with someone to help restore you health is big deal. It requires trust in your practitioner and their process to get you from point a -> point be. Ready to see if we are a good fit?

did we just become friends?