What I Do

Do you experience erratic energy, poor digestion, heartburn, bloating gas, poor sleep, difficulty building muscle or lacking sustained energy in workouts? Do you ever wonder if there is a different way to live? There is a way to restore balance in your health!  It starts with food... but doesn't end there! 



You're in the right place.

Raise your hand if you are tired of trying to use Google to figure out how to fix your health. Or maybe you are the person who simply wants good next steps toward longevity and health. Maybe you are ready to not be on this road alone and simply want a guide to restore balance to your health. 

Your life can look different. But if you're anything like me, you need help to take your health to the next level. You just want someone to tell you what works and how to get there.


"I’ve told many people her expertise literally changed my life in every sense of that reality;  giving a positive path forward that has been empowering."

got a new start:



"Think Katie's work is just for women? Think again. I'm a man (obviously), and my business tripled, too!"

Made six figures:


real results

"transform you health today and impact the generations to come"

— ME

Restore your wellness


Through working with dozens of clients, I have established a process that work for clients. It is customized to my clients for their unique needs and founded on idea that if we strengthen the foundational parts of our health, the rest of the body will follow. We do this through real food nutrition, alongside lifestyle changes and supplements too. 

Restoring health is about so much more than avoiding sickness and symptoms. It is about truly living into who you were meant to be! 


Tired of being stuck in your health journey alone and ready for some help! 

lets do this.

Ready to start the journey toward a healthier you?

Read more about the process

No time to start like the present! 
Today can begin a new era for you and your health.